BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner)is a program that aligns short deep-sequencing reads to long reference sequences. Here is a short tutorial on the installation and steps needed to perform alignments. You can align the short reads to the genome or the transcriptome depending on the experiment/application.
Download and install BWA on a Linux/Mac machine
NOTE: You need to do this only once!!
Download bwa-0.7.17.tar.bz2
bunzip2 bwa-0.7.17.tar.bz2
tar xvf bwa-0.7.17.tar
cd bwa-0.7.17
Add bwa to your PATH by editing ~/.bashrc and adding
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bwa-0.5.9 # /path/to is an example ! replace with real path on your machine
Then execute the command in using source.
source ~/.bashrc
(in some systems, ~/.bash_profile is used in place of ~/.bashrc)
Then, to test if the installation was successful, just type:
If Unix can find bwa, the 'bwa' command alone will show you all of the options available.
source : Elementolab/BWA tutorial