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OpenFOAM User Guide - Version 5

امتیاز کاربران

ستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعال


The OpenFOAM User Guide provides an introduction to OpenFOAM, through some basic tutorials, and some details about the general operation of OpenFOAM. OpenFOAM is a collection of approximately 250 applications built upon a collection of over 100 software libraries (modules). Each application performs a specific task within a CFD workflow. The snappyHexMesh application, for example, is a mesh generator for complex geometry, which can generate a mesh around a vehicle. The simpleFoam application could then simulate steady-state, turbulent, incompressible flow around the vehicle. Alternatively, the pimpleFoam application could run a transient simulation. The OpenFOAM User Guide describes these applications and how to execute them, either on a single processor or in parallel on multiple processors.


Case Setup

The OpenFOAM User Guide then examines the set up of input data files for a CFD analysis. The input data includes time information (start time, end time, time step, etc) and controls for reading and writing data (time, format, compression, etc). It additionally describes the setting of numerical schemes that affects accuracy and stability of a simulation. Matrix solver controls and algorithm controls are also explained that affect computational time and stability.



The OpenFOAM User Guide includes a chapter on meshing.  It begins with the mesh structure of OpenFOAM and the handling of boundaries and boundary conditions. It describes the blockMesh application for generating meshes of simple geometries in detail, followed by the snappyHexMesh application and its control parameters. OpenFOAM includes applications that convert meshes from well known formats into the OpenFOAM format and detailed the User Guide covers principal conversion applications, e.g. fluentMeshToFoam, in detail. The mapFields application maps field data, e.g. pressure, velocity, from one mesh/geometry to another.



OpenFOAM is shipped with a version of ParaView that includes a reader module to read data in OpenFOAM format. This enables visualization of solutions from OpenFOAM, with elements used commonly in CFD such as geometry surfaces, cutting planes, vector plots and streamlines.  With these elements, users can generate animations conveniently with ParaView.



IntroductionTutorials2.1 Lid-driven cavity flow2.1.1 Pre-processing2.1.2 Viewing the mesh2.1.3 Running an application2.1.4 Post-processing2.1.5 Increasing the mesh resolution2.1.6 Introducing mesh grading2.1.7 Increasing the Reynolds number2.1.8 High Reynolds number flow2.1.9 Changing the case geometry2.1.10 Post-processing the modified geometry2.2 Stress analysis of a plate with a hole2.2.1 Mesh generation2.2.2 Running the code2.2.3 Post-processing2.2.4 Exercises2.3 Breaking of a dam2.3.1 Mesh generation2.3.2 Boundary conditions2.3.3 Setting initial field2.3.4 Fluid properties2.3.5 Turbulence modelling2.3.6 Time step control2.3.7 Discretisation schemes2.3.8 Linear-solver control2.3.9 Running the code2.3.10 Post-processing2.3.11 Running in parallel2.3.12 Post-processing a case run in parallelApplications and libraries3.1 The programming language of OpenFOAM3.1.1 Language in general3.1.2 Object-orientation and C++3.1.3 Equation representation3.1.4 Solver codes3.2 Compiling applications and libraries3.2.1 Header .H files3.2.2 Compiling with wmake3.2.3 Removing dependency lists: wclean3.2.4 Compiling libraries3.2.5 Compilation example: the pisoFoam application3.2.6 Debug messaging and optimisation switches3.2.7 Linking new user-defined libraries to existing applications3.3 Running applications3.4 Running applications in parallel3.4.1 Decomposition of mesh and initial field data3.4.2 File input/output in parallel3.4.3 Running a decomposed case3.4.4 Distributing data across several disks3.4.5 Post-processing parallel processed cases3.5 Standard solvers3.5.1 ‘Basic’ CFD codes3.5.2 Incompressible flow3.5.3 Compressible flow3.5.4 Multiphase flow3.5.5 Direct numerical simulation (DNS)3.5.6 Combustion3.5.7 Heat transfer and buoyancy-driven flows3.5.8 Particle-tracking flows3.5.9 Discrete methods3.5.10 Electromagnetics3.5.11 Stress analysis of solids3.5.12 Finance3.6 Standard utilities3.6.1 Pre-processing3.6.2 Mesh generation3.6.3 Mesh conversion3.6.4 Mesh manipulation3.6.5 Other mesh tools3.6.6 Post-processing3.6.7 Post-processing data converters3.6.8 Surface mesh (e.g. OBJ/STL) tools3.6.9 Parallel processing3.6.10 Thermophysical-related utilities3.6.11 Miscellaneous utilitiesOpenFOAM cases4.1 File structure of OpenFOAM cases4.2 Basic input/output file format4.2.1 General syntax rules4.2.2 Dictionaries4.2.3 The data file header4.2.4 Lists4.2.5 Scalars, vectors and tensors4.2.6 Dimensional units4.2.7 Dimensioned types4.2.8 Fields4.2.9 Macro expansion4.2.10 Including files4.2.11 Regular expressions4.2.12 Keyword ordering4.2.13 Inline calculations and code4.3 Time and data input/output control4.3.1 Time control4.3.2 Data writing4.3.3 Other settings4.4 Numerical schemes4.4.1 Time schemes4.4.2 Gradient schemes4.4.3 Divergence schemes4.4.4 Surface normal gradient schemes4.4.5 Laplacian schemes4.4.6 Interpolation schemes4.5 Solution and algorithm control4.5.1 Linear solver control4.5.2 Solution under-relaxation4.5.3 PISO, SIMPLE and PIMPLE algorithms4.5.4 Pressure referencing4.5.5 Other parameters4.6 Case management tools4.6.1 File management scripts4.6.2 The foamDictionary toolMesh generation and conversion5.1 Mesh description5.1.1 Mesh specification and validity constraints5.1.2 The polyMesh description5.1.3 Cell shapes5.1.4 1- and 2-dimensional and axi-symmetric problems5.2 Boundaries5.2.1 Geometric (constraint) patch types5.2.2 Basic boundary conditions5.2.3 Derived types5.3 Mesh generation with the blockMesh utility5.3.1 Writing a blockMeshDict file5.3.2 Multiple blocks5.3.3 Projection of vertices, edges and faces5.3.4 Naming vertices, edges, faces and blocks5.3.5 Creating blocks with fewer than 8 vertices5.3.6 Running blockMesh5.4 Mesh generation with the snappyHexMesh utility5.4.1 The mesh generation process of snappyHexMesh5.4.2 Creating the background hex mesh5.4.3 Cell splitting at feature edges and surfaces5.4.4 Cell removal5.4.5 Cell splitting in specified regions5.4.6 Snapping to surfaces5.4.7 Mesh layers5.4.8 Mesh quality controls5.5 Mesh conversion5.5.1 fluentMeshToFoam5.5.2 starToFoam5.5.3 gambitToFoam5.5.4 ideasToFoam5.5.5 cfx4ToFoam5.6 Mapping fields between different geometries5.6.1 Mapping consistent fields5.6.2 Mapping inconsistent fields5.6.3 Mapping parallel casesPost-processing6.1 ParaView/paraFoam graphical user interface (GUI)6.1.1 Overview of ParaView/paraFoam6.1.2 The Parameters panel6.1.3 The Display panel6.1.4 The button toolbars6.1.5 Manipulating the view6.1.6 Contour plots6.1.7 Vector plots6.1.8 Streamlines6.1.9 Image output6.1.10 Animation output6.2 Post-processing command line interface (CLI)6.2.1 Post-processing functionality6.2.2 Run-time data processing6.2.3 The postProcess utility6.2.4 Solver post-processing6.3 Sampling and monitoring data6.3.1 Probing data6.3.2 Sampling for graphs6.3.3 Sampling for visualisation6.3.4 Live monitoring of data6.4 Third-Party post-processing6.4.1 Post-processing with EnSightModels and physical properties7.1 Thermophysical models7.1.1 Thermophysical and mixture models7.1.2 Transport model7.1.3 Thermodynamic models7.1.4 Composition of each constituent7.1.5 Equation of state7.1.6 Selection of energy variable7.1.7 Thermophysical property data7.2 Turbulence models7.2.1 Reynolds-averaged simulation (RAS) modelling7.2.2 Large eddy simulation (LES) modelling7.2.3 Model coefficients7.2.4 Wall functions7.3 Transport/rheology models7.3.1 Newtonian model7.3.2 Bird-Carreau model7.3.3 Cross Power Law model7.3.4 Power Law model7.3.5 Herschel-Bulkley model7.3.6 Casson model7.3.7 General strain-rate function

Citation details:

title = "OpenFOAM v5 User Guide"
author = "The OpenFOAM Foundation"
url = "https://cfd.direct/openfoam/user-guide"

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